According to the independent research of cattle lighting, good cattle lighting is adapted to suit the cattle type and house. Below 3 factors are very important:

Correct Light Intensity and Duration

A: The health, fertility, welfare and productivity of diary cattle have great relationship in correct light intensity and duration. It also controls hormone levels in diary cattle which can increase the milk yield by 15%.

B: The uniform lighting for cattle house also influence on oestrus, makes it easier to spot.
C: Correct lighting regime and light levels can reduce the calving interval, detect the cattle disease at an earlier stage.
To Sum up, the correct lighting will make sure the cattle are healthy and active.

A Proper Lighting Regime

The minimum light level should be 150 lux. A lighting regime of 16 hours of light at a minimum of 150 lux followed by 8 hours of darkness will increase the benefits mentioned above. Using the lighting to last the day length affects melatonin production. Melatonin is also known as the sleep hormone. Light inhibits melatonin production and darkness accelerates it.To sum up, longer periods of light mean less sleep hormone and healthier, more active cows. ThatIs to say the above lighting regime lead to the following results in dairy cows:

No Blue Light

Blue light will cause stress on the cattle, make them nervous, which will decrease the health condition and productivity of diary cattle.

To sum up, an improper light level or spectrum may damage the health, performance and welfare of your cattle. It will lead to the following results in cattle without blue light: Better feed intake, Reduced stress, Improved growth

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Quick Guide to Optimizing Your Cattle House Lighting

To help you get started, hereIs a quick checklist for adjusting your barn lighting to encourage optimal calving times:
Set photoperiod to 16 Hours of light – Ensure cows have consistent daylight exposure to regulate hormonal rhythms.
Use White light spectrums – Option for lighting with a white spectrum to encourage daytime activity.
Maintain uniform intensity – Position lights to cover all areas evenly and avoid stressing cattle with dark patches.
Schedule regular maintenance - Clean lights every few months and replace any dim or faulty bulbs to sustain proper intensity.