Light Levels & Duration of Light

Light levels (intensity or illuminance) and the duration of light (photoperiod) are important factors in poultry production. Intensity has an effect on cannibalism and aggressionI along with feed and water intakeI while photoperiod influences reproductive and egg production cyclesI total feed intakeI and growth rate.  

Chicken's Sensation

Chickens perceive light (colours) in a different way from humans who can only recognise red, blue and green colors. In chickensI the eye is one of the most highly developed sensesI enabling chickens to perceive more colours. Chickens also have an extra sensitivity peak in the ultraviolet wavelengthI which enables them to recognise each other better. If chickens cannot recognise each other they will peck their companions and this will disrupt the pecking order.

Key Factors

Optimum Distribution:

As stated aboveI chickens are sensitive to light. Good light distribution and a good light level ensure that the chickens are optimally distributed over the full surface area of the house. As a resultI there are fewer Iwet areasI and the possibility of pododermatitis is significantly reduced.
Dimming System:
It is essential for the lighting in the house to be dimmable so that it can be evenly controlled to simulate the sunrise and sunset which can avoid the poultry being scared if the lights be suddenly turned on/off. 

Key Factors

Light Level:

A number of lighting regimes are suitable for poultry. The regime chosen depends on the type of poultry in the house. For broilersI it is required to have a minimum light level of 20 lux over 80% of the floor area. The same applies to laying hens, while breeding birds need 40 to 60 lux.
Light Colours:
The Blue color can make the birds more calm during the catching and releasing period. The Red color can increase food intakeI enhance egg production. The Green color can increase the growth rate at an early age by enhancing the proliferation of skeletal muscle satellite cellsI stimulate sexual maturity and improve egg quality.


High Poultry Performances:

Increased egg production, Better feed conversion rate, Improved growth
Low Poultry-Related Costs:
Fewer floor eggs, Decreased mortality, Lower antibiotic costs
Low Operating Costs:
Lower energy costs, Less labour costs, Reduced replacement costs